In the Sewers of Frankfurt

A Skaven Blog

This is the "blog" (weblog or diary) of my Skaven army, starting in April 2005. It was originally written in German on "Das Tabletop Forum, an excellent source for all your gamers' needs in Germany, and especially for Warhammer Fantasy. So please forgive me if the wording might sound strange at times - it might be because of my poor translation skills.
I was by no means new to Skaven then. I had a solid basis of painted models and some gaming experience, but I came out of a long stretch of playing only 40k. Therefore I hope I can still give you a good idea of how a skaven army can grow and develop, or at least provide your with some entertainment. So join my journey through modelling, painting and the highs and lows of games and tournaments...

Comments and criticism is absolutely welcome even though this is not a forum. Just send me an e-mail if you have something to add.


Chapter 1 - 1500 points pitched battle vs. Dark Elves

Chapter 2 - first game in Mainz: 2000 points pitched battle vs. Orks

Chapter 3 - what kind of army list is that???

Chapter 4 - two down, five to go...

Chapter 5 - preparing for the next game

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