In the Sewers of Frankfurt

Chapter 1 - 1500 points pitched battle vs. Dark Elves

I played my first game against Oliver with his Dark Elves. I wrote the battle report a couple of weeks after the game, so it's pretty short and not as indepth as I would have liked. Anyway, this is how Olivers list looked like (roughly):

Noble on foot
Nobel on chariot
Level 2 sorceress

19 warriors with spears
19 executioners
10 warriors with repeating crossbows
5 dark riders
7 (?) cold one knights
2 reaper bolt throwers

I had failed to make any plans on army composition beforehand, so I put together a wild mix at short notice, that was mostly commanded by what models I had that were already painted:

Chieftain with heavy armour, shield, great weapon and The Foul Pendant
Fully equipped warlock except for pistol, storm daemon, dispel scroll
Fully equipped warlock except for pistol, 2 dispel scrolls

29 clanrats with musician, standard and ratling
29 clanrats with musician, standard and ratling (marking my only offence against WYSIWYG - the models had spears)
10 night runners with slings
2x2 giant rat packs
3 rat swarms

5 gutter runners with poisoned handweapons
3 rat ogres with packmasters
7 jezzails

Models in army: 122. Unpainted: 4 packmasters (for the giant rats). Work in progress (WIP): 2 warlocks, 7 jezzails.

Due to the terrain the game revolved around the center of the table and the half of the table that was on my right. Oliver placed both of his regiments in his center. The spearmen were accompanied by the sorceress, the executioners by the noble on foot, who was also the general. Left of that (form my perspective) stood the cold one knights, while on the right stood the chariot. On the right flank Oliver had positioned his crossbowmen and bolt throwers on a hill, behind which the dark riders were hiding.
I positioned my clanrats with all of my characters in the center. On their right stood my jezzails and on each flank a unit of giant rats. The rat ogres joined the center (left of the clanrats), the gutter runners waited on the right of the clanrats for me to say "go", and somewhere around were the night runners swarming the table.

The game itself is pretty quick to tell: I blocked his cold one knights with my swarms to gain some time. His center advanced, the chariot drove towards my right flank and his dark riders tried to sneak up on my jezzails over the right table's edge. By means of magic and shooting I destroyed his chariot and the dark riders within the first two turns, which freed my gutter runners and giant rats to attack Oliver's bolt throwers. His shooting was effectiv, but not enought to force panic tests on my large regiments.
When Oliver finally got rid of my swarms, his cold one knights stood open for a charge of my giant rats and rat ogres. The giant rats passed their fear check and drove into the knights' flank. The following close combat was short and messy. Luckily enough the dark elve spearmen fled in panic as the saw how the rat ogres shred the knights to pieces.
After a bit of manouvering I was finally able to corner the executioners in the table's center. One unit of clanrats stood the executioners' charge, the giant rats that had done the bolt throwers in charged the executioners' flank and the other unit of clanrats held the center. At the end of the game almost no dark elve models remained on the table, while all I had lost were a couple of clanrats.


Oliver had brought a lot less magic capacity than I had expected, so I was able to control it pretty well. My magic and shooting had worked well and eliminated some single threats. I took a chance by charging the cold one knights, but I got lucky doing so. It could have back fired just as well - unfortunataly rat ogres are quite unreliable at crunch time. Had a hero accompanied the knights I could not have pulled that trick.
The giant rats and gutter runners on the right flank did just what they were supposed to - hunting warmachines and marksmen down. That the giant rats got a flank charge on the executioners was an added bonus.

Chapter 2 - first game in Mainz: 2000 points pitched battle vs. Orks

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