In the Sewers of Frankfurt

Chapter 4 - two down, five to go...

I'm talking about painting my jezzails of course. Working in an assembly line style is all nice and well, but from time to time you need to get some models finished. So instead of working on my third clanrats' regiment I turned to the jezzails. Originally I had aimed for upgrading the paintjob on my warplightning cannon as easy prey, but then I realised that I had added two giant rats to the base and it required some extra work. So I focussed on painting two jezzails and was able to finish them, too. In passing by so to speak I also coverd up the mess on the warplightning cannon's base with modelling putty and sand and primed it with a paintbrush (no need to ruin the painted parts of the model with a spray can).

So here are my first two fully painted jezzails in all their glory. One is a stock GW model while the other is a conversion out of various bits. Amoung other things I used a Skaven standard bearer arm, parts of a Tau rifle, the pavise of a GW jezzail, clanrats and night runner. Since I did not have any spare cavalry bases I even had to glue two 25mm bases together and fix the gaps with modelling putty. Not perfect, but better than leaving those spare 25mm unused and spend a lot of money on a bag of cavalry bases when I need only three.

Chapter 5 - preparing for the next game

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